Fingered, on a frontage, the Original Benefit Cheat and Benefit Fraudster Iain Duncan Smith!


The faker Iain Duncan Smith has INDEED BEEN the Original ‘Benefit Cheat and Benefit Fraudster’!

The faker Iain Duncan Smith has INDEED BEEN the Original ‘Benefit Cheat and Benefit Fraudster’!

IDS as accurately imaged on the front page of the [‘ex’] CPGB [‘Communist Party of Great Britain’] daily the Morning Star on Thursday 03 January 2013. 

0028 [0020] [0115] [0012] Hrs GMT London Saturday 05 January 2013.

The © Muhammad Haque Daily Ethical Commentary: UK Neo ConDem Collusion with evil must be exposed, the ‘Quiet Man’ the frontman in the assault against the violated, the denied, the impoverished in Britain must be exposed [2b]

The Campaign for an end to the lying by the Neo ConDem must continue as must the battle for an end to the collusion by the Ed Milibrand-ed Ed Balls et al with that agenda.

[To be continued]

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