222 words written by Muhammad Haque and read out by him To tower hamlets council “Cabinet” on 03 July 2013 Will the items as listed under “Strategic Priority” in  the document marked “Homelessness Statement 2013 – 2017” be actually implemented by Tower Hamlets Council and if so, over what actual time period and with the accompaniment of what objectively verifiable independent audit that meets the requirements of all the anti-discriminatory legislation currently in place in the UK and in accordance with all the actual agreements, covenants and accords that have been entered into by the Tower Hamlets Council which has gone on the records as stating and or as claiming that it does in fact abide by those requirements and that it does in fact have personnel in place and measures ongoing as part of the Council’s mainstream activities [as opposed to stop-gap, tokenistic events] to ensure that those claims and statements are implemented, adhered to and that they are manifestly, demonstrably verifiably so and that independently credible evidence is already available in the behaviour of the Council over the past relevant years to satisfy any Constitutional, Democratic & evidential question that may arise as to the authenticity and the veracity of the claims that have been made and are often made in the name of the Council as an entity to the effect that the Council has actual systems and measures in place to hold the relevant decision-makers to account?

222 words written by
Muhammad Haque and read out by him
To tower hamlets council
“Cabinet” on 03 July 2013

Will the items as listed under
“Strategic Priority” in 
the document marked
“Homelessness Statement 2013 – 2017”
be actually implemented by
Tower Hamlets Council
and if so,
over what actual time period
and with the accompaniment of
what objectively verifiable
independent audit
that meets the requirements
of all the anti-discriminatory legislation
currently in place in the UK
and in accordance with
all the actual agreements,
covenants and accords
that have been entered into by
the Tower Hamlets Council which
has gone on the records as stating
and or as claiming
that it does in fact
abide by those requirements
and that it does in fact
have personnel in place
and measures
ongoing as part of the Council’s
mainstream activities
[as opposed to stop-gap, tokenistic events]
to ensure that those claims and statements
are implemented,
adhered to and that
they are manifestly,
verifiably so and that
independently credible evidence
is already available
in the behaviour of the Council
over the past relevant years
to satisfy any Constitutional,
Democratic &
question that may arise
as to the authenticity and the veracity
of the claims that have been made
and are often made in the name of the Council
as an entity to the effect that the
Council has actual systems and measures
in place to hold the relevant
decision-makers to account?

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